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200,000 Wounded Soldiers want Books to Read
circa 1918
Glass plate slide showing a handbill advertising the ALA's book drive for American service personnel. The ad features a picture of an interracial group of convelescent soldiers at Camp Dix base hospital positioned around a book cart, and the text admonishes, "Give them some for Christmas, the kind you'd give your boy. Send gift books to Free Public Library, December 14th to 20th."
Found in RS 89/1/13, Box 1, Group #2
Phys. Desc:
Black and white glass slide, 10.0 x 8.2 cm. Tiff digital surrogate.
The American Library Association Archives
Found in:
American Library Association (ALA)
Book Drives
Hospital and Institution Libraries
War Services Committee
World War I
Book Drives
Hospital and Institution Libraries
War Services Committee
World War I
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