Browse Digital Content | The American Library Association Archives
Camden Free Library, 1913
Camden Free Library (2), circa 1910
Camila Alire, 1997
CaMMS Committee Files (Digital Surrogates), 1923-1975, 1979-2004
Camp Bowie, circa 1918
Camp Bowie (2), circa 1918
Camp Bowie (3), circa 1918
Camp Bowie Base Hostpital Library, c. 1918
Camp Bowie Float, 1918
Camp Building in Beaune, France, c. 1918
Camp Custer Hospital Ward, circa 1918
Camp Devens Hospital Ward, circa 1918
Camp Devens Library, ca. 1918
Camp Edison Branch Library - Construction, January 1943
Camp Edison Branch Library - Construction (2), January 1943
Camp Edison Branch Library - Interior, January 1944
Camp Edison Branch Library - Interior (2), January 1944
Camp Edison Branch Library Opening, March 10, 1943
Camp Edison Branch Library Opening (2), March 10, 1943
Camp Edison Branch Library Opening (3), March 10, 1943
Camp Edison Branch Library Opening (4), March 10, 1943
Camp Edison Branch Library Opening (5), March 10, 1943
Camp Funston Library by Night, ca. 1918
Camp Johnston Library Exterior (1), circa 1918
Camp Johnston Library Exterior (2), circa 1918
Camp Johnston Library Interior (1), circa 1918
Camp Johnston Library Interior (2), circa 1918
Camp Johnston Library Interior (3), circa 1918
Camp Johnston Library Postcard, circa 1918
Camp Lewis [Library] Extension, ca. 1918
Camp Lewis Library Extension, c. 1918
Camp Library, ca. 1918
Camp Library at Camp Bowie, Texas, circa 1917-1920
Camp Library at Camp Cody, New Mexico, circa 1917-1920
Camp Library at Camp Custer, Michigan, circa 1917-1920
Camp Library at Camp Dix, NJ, circa 1917-1920
Camp Library at Camp Dodge, Iowa, circa 1918
Camp Library at Camp Dodge, Iowa (2), circa 1917-1920
Camp Library at Camp Doniphan, Oklahoma, circa 1917-1920
Camp Library at Camp Doniphan, Oklahoma (2), circa 1917-1920
Camp Library at Camp Fremont, CA, circa 1917-1920
Camp Library at Camp Funston, Kansas, circa 1917-1920
Camp Library at Camp Gordon, GA, circa 1917-1920
Camp Library at Camp Gordon, GA (2), circa 1917-1920
Camp Library at Camp Grant, IL, circa 1917-1920
Camp Library at Camp Greene, N.C., circa 1917-1920
Camp Library at Camp Hancock, GA, circa 1917-1920
Camp Library at Camp Jackson, S.C., circa 1917-1920
Camp Library at Camp Jackson, S.C. (2), circa 1918
Camp Library at Camp Jesup, GA, circa 1917-1920
Camp Library at Camp Johnston, FL, circa 1917-1920
Camp Library at Camp Lee, Virginia, circa 1917-1920
Camp Library at Camp Lewis, WA, circa 1917-1920
Camp Library at Camp Logan, Texas, circa 1917-1920
Camp Library at Camp McClellan, AL, circa 1917-1920
Camp Library at Camp Meade, MD, circa 1917-1920
Camp Library at Camp Perry, IL, circa 1918
Camp Library at Camp Pike, AR, circa 1917-1920
Camp Library at Camp Sevier, S.C., circa 1917-1920
Camp Library at Camp Sheridan, AL, circa 1917-1920
Camp Library at Camp Sherman, Ohio, circa 1917-1920
Camp Library at Camp Sherman, Ohio (2), circa 1917-1920
Camp Library at Camp Travis, Texas, circa 1917-1920
Camp Library at Camp Upton, New York, circa 1917-1920
Camp Library at Camp Wadsworth, S.C., circa 1917-1920
Camp Library at Jefferson Barracks, MO, circa 1917-1920
Camp Library at Kelly Field, Texas, circa 1917-1920
Camp Library at Pelham Bay Park, New York, circa 1917-1920
Camp Library at Pelham Bay Park, New York (2), circa 1917-1920
Camp Library at Pelham Bay Park, New York (3), circa 1917-1920
Camp Library Reference Desk, circa 1918
Camp Library, France, c. 1918
Camp McClellan Branch Library, c. 1918
Camp Shelby Library, circa 1918
Camp Wood Branch Library - Exterior, August 1944
Camp Wood Branch Library - Exterior (2), July 1945
Camp Wood Branch Library - Interior, February 1943
Camp Wood Branch Library - Interior (2), August 1944
Camp Wood Branch Library - Interior (3), July 1945
Camp Wood Branch Library - Interior (4), July 1945
Campaign for America's Libraries Booth, January 2001
Campaign for America's Libraries Booth (2), January 2001
Canadian Falls, 1926
Candy Morgan, 1994
Carl B. Roden, circa 1930
Carl H. Milam, circa 1918
Carl H. Milam (2), 1946
Carl Milam at His Desk, 1939
Carl Vitz, circa 1945
Carla Hayden, ALA0005729
Carla J. Stoffle, circa 1980
Carlon Walker and Leonard Kniffel at Masada, August 2000
Carlon Walker and Leonard Kniffel at Masada (2), August 2000
Carlon Walker and Lisa Biblo at IFLA Copenhagen, September 1997
Carlon Walker and Lisa Biblo at IFLA Copenhagen (2), September 1997
Carlon Walker and Lisa Biblo in Jerusalem, August 2000
Carlon Walker and Norman Horocks at IFLA Glasgow, August 2002
Carlon Walker in London Hotel, September 1997
Carlon Walker in London Hotel (2), September 1997
Carlon Walker in Urquhart Castle Ruins, August 2002
Carlos Fuentes, 1991
Carnegie Fellows in School of Library Service, circa 1960
Carnegie Library at Judson College, circa 1912
Carnegie Library at McPherson College, circa 1910
Carnegie Library at Montgomery, AL, circa 1905
Carnegie Library at Pittsburgh, PA, circa 1907
Carnegie Library at San Antonio, TX (2), circa 1900
Carnegie Library at Spokane, WA, Circa 1918
Carnegie Library at Syracuse, NY, Circa 1900
Carnegie Library at Washburn College, circa 1905
Carnegie Library in Conneaut, OH, circa 1910
Carnegie Library in Raton, New Mexico, Circa 1916
Carnegie Library in Shawnee, OK, circa 1910
Carnegie Library, Flint, MI, circa 1905
Carnegie Public Library at Leadville, CO, circa 1905
Carnegie Public Library at Mount Vernon, NY, circa 1905
Carnegie-Evans Library, 1922
Carol Dratch-Kovler, 1995
Carol Henderson, 1975
Carol Henderson and An Unidentified Person, Circa 1994
Carol Henderson and Lynne Bradley, Circa 1994
Carol Henderson Greets a Congressman, Circa 1995
Carol Henderson Stands at a Podium, May 1998
Carole Byard, 1993
Carole McCollough, June 1996
Caroline Kennedy, December 12, 2001
Caroline Kennedy, John Berry, and Nancy Kranich, December 12, 2001
Caroline M. Hewins, circa 1900
Caroline M. Hewins, 1920
Caroline Webster Papers, 1917-1921
Carolyn Forsman, 1979
Carolyn Forsman (2), 1979
Carolyn O. Frost, 1977
Carriage Ride, 1907
Carrie Robinson, July 29, 1969
Carrie Robinson (2), 1970
Carthage Carnegie Library, circa 1905
Case Memorial Library, 1922
Case Memorial Library (2), circa 1905
Caspar Jordan, September 1991
Cass County Library Float, September 1947
Catalog Demonstration, 1995
Cataloging and Metadata Management Section Subject File (Digital Surrogates), 1923-1975, 1979-2004
Catherine Chen, circa 1985
Caucus Members at Reception, July 2003
Celina Public Library, 1907
Cerise Oberman, September 1994
Chalmers Hadley, circa 1918
Chalmers Hadley, circa 1920
Champaign Public Library, 1905
Chanute Public Library, circa 1905
Chaplain Blackman Delivering Books, c. 1918
Chaplain Blackman Delivers Books Thus on Rainy Nights, circa 1918-1919
Charging Out Book at Brooklyn Public Library, circa 1970
Charlayne Hunter-Gault, March 1994
Charlemae Hill Rollins, circa 1950
Charlemae Hill Rollins, circa 1955
Charles Ammi Cutter, circa 1890
Charles B. Shaw, circa 1940
Charles Brown, March 1991
Charles Coffin Jewett, unknown
Charles D. Churchwell, 1967
Charles D. Churchwell, circa 1969
Charles E. Rush, circa 1918
Charles Evans, circa 1918
Charles F. D. Belden, circa 1925
Charles F. D. Belden (2), circa 1918
Charles F. D. Belden Papers, 1902-1927
Charles H. Compton, circa 1935
Charles Harvey Brown, circa 1940
Charles Henry Gould, circa 1910
Charles M. Adams, circa 1950
Charles R. Green Papers (Digital Surrogates), 1918-1919
Charles R. Peguese, circa 1990
Charles W. Robinson, circa 1975
Charles Willard Library, 1912
Charline Smith and Chai Peters, circa 1980
Chaumont Regional Library, France, c. 1918
Checking Out Books at Jasper County Library Bookmobile, November 1952
Chesapeake Alliance, 1996
Cheyenne Carnegie Library (2), circa 1905
Cheyenne Carnegie Library (3), circa 1905
Chicago Hilton, June 26, 1972
Chicago Newbery-Caldecott Dinner, July 15, 1963
Child Reading at Boulder Public Library, circa 1970
Children at Drew Court Branch Library, August 1955
Children in a Brooklyn Public Library Branch, circa 1900
Children in Cass County Bookmobile, circa 1955
Children Reading at Soissons Library, circa 1920
Children Reading Books at School, circa 1940
Children Reading 'How To Do It' Books, circa 1950
Children Using Card Catalog, circa 1918
Children Waiting for the Bookmobile, circa 1940
Children's Interest in Books, circa 1940
Children's Interest in Books (2), circa 1940
Children's Interest in Books (3), circa 1940
Children's World, 1962
Children's World (1), 1964
Children's World (2), 1964
Children's World (3), 1964
China Projects File (Digital Surrogates), 1942-1947
Chinese Librarians visit to ALA Headquarters, October 18, 1973
Chinese Library Groundbreaking, circa 1927
Chinese Library Groundbreaking (2), circa 1927
Chinese-American Librarians Association Subject File (Born Digital and Digital Surrogates), 1982-2020
Ching-Chih Chen, circa 1985
Chris Novy, May 1996
Christine Deschamps and Maurice Line at IFLA Glasgow, August 2002
Christmas Postcard, 1916
Christmas Postcard (2), circa 1915
Christmas Postcard (3), 1911
Christopher Paul Curtis, 2000
Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, August 2000
Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem (2), August 2000
Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem (3), August 2000
Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem (4), August 2000
Circle of Soldiers, c. 1918
Circulating Library in England, c. 1918
City Gas Co. Window, Detroit Book Campaign, March 1919
Clara E. Breed, August 9, 1968
Clara Jones Addresses Council, January 23, 1978
Clara Stanton Jones, circa 1970
Clarence R. Graham, c. 1953
Class Visit to le Chateau de Vincennes, circa 1925
Class Visit to le Chateau de Vincennes (2), circa 1925
Class Visit to le Chateau de Vincennes (3), circa 1925
Class Visit to le Chateau de Vincennes (4), circa 1925
Claudet Tennat, Circa 1999
Claudette Hagel, 1994
Clement Walker Andrews, circa 1910
Clone Atop the Catalog, 1981
CLS Newsletter, 1987-2020
CLSI Headquarters, 1979
CLSI Headquarters (2), 1979
Coblenz: May 1919, 1919
Coburn Free Library, 1912
Cognotes (Born Digital), 2009-2019
Cold Spring 'Cue Club Barbecue, May 10, 1899
Cold Spring 'Cue Club Preparing for Barbeque, May 10, 1899
Cold Springs 'Cue Club, May 10, 1899
Collecting Books for Soldiers, c. 1918
Colonel E.L. Munson, circa 1918
Colonia Hospital, Rahway, NJ, circa 1918
Colonia Hosptial Library, Rahway, New Jersey, Jan. 28, 1919
Colorado Librarians' Table at A.L.A. Congressional Luncheon, June 25, 1959
Columbia University Library, circa 1905
Committee Files (Digital Surrogates), 1983-2001, 2010-2011, 1983-2001, 2010-2011
Con P. Cronin, circa 1918
Conference Attendees Boating, July 4, 1898
Conference Called to Order, July 5, 1898
Conference Papers, 1893, 1938-1942
Conference Scrapbook, 1894-1902
Conference Session, 1898
Conference Session, June 1897
Connecticut Swap Groups, circa 1950
Connecticut Swap Groups (2), circa 1950
Connie R. Dunlap, 1975
Convalescents Reading, circa 1918
Cordie R. Hines, circa 1975
Coretta Scott King, June 29, 1993
Coretta Scott King, 2002
Coretta Scott King Speaking, June 29, 1993
Cornelia Marvin, circa 1918
Cornell University Library, circa 1905
Correspondence (Digital Surrogates), 1970, 1972, 1975
Cositt Library, 1929
COSWL Exhibit Tables, 1980
COSWL Minutes (Digital Born), 1997-2013
Crew's Reading Room, circa 1918
Crew's Reading Room (2), circa 1918
CSK Awards Jury, 2000
Cynthia Hill and Wilda Newman at IFLA Boston, August 2001
Cynthia Rylant, 1993