Browse Digital Content | The American Library Association Archives
Ballots and Election File, 2002-2017
Banned and Challenged Books Display at PIALA Conference, November 1994
Banned Books Week Display, circa 1990
Banned Books Week Display - Close Up, circa 1990
Banned Books Week Display (2), circa 1990
Banned Books Week Display (3), circa 2000
Banning Public Library, 1911
Banquet Head Table, 1992
Baraboo Public Library, 1914
Barbados Carnegie Library, circa 1905
Barbara Genco Holding Crispin: The Cross of Lead, January 27, 2003
Barbara Gittings, 1999
Barbara H. Clark, 1978
Barbara J. Smith, circa 1985
Barbara Williams-Jenkins, 1991
Barker Free Library, 1911
Barre Public Library, circa 1910
Base Hospital Library, Camp Sevier, South Carolina, circa 1918-1919
Base Hospital Library, Camp Travis, Texas, circa 1918-1919
base line, 1980-2020
Basel University Library, 1904
Bates Hall at the Boston Public Library, Circa 1900
Battery Park Hotel, 1907
Be All You Can Be. Read., 1968
Beale Memorial Library, 1909
Beaney Institute and Library, circa 1905
Bedside Library Service, circa 1918
Bedside Service at the Base Hospital, Camp Devens, MA, circa 1917-1920
Bedside Service at the Base Hospital, Camp Meade, MD, circa 1917-1920
Bedside Service at the Base Hospital, Camp Travis, Texas, circa 1917-1920
Bedside Service at the Base Hospital, Ft. Sam Houston, Texas, circa 1917-1920
Bedside Service at the Surgical Ward at Fort Riley, Kansas, circa 1917-1920
Bedside Service at the U.S. General Hospital No. 1, New York City, circa 1917-1920
Bedside Service at the U.S. General Hospital No. 43, Virginia, circa 1917-1920
Bedside Service at U.S. General Hospital No. 21, Denver, Colorado, circa 1917-1920
Bedside Service at U.S. General Hospital No. 6, Fort McPherson, GA, circa 1917-1920
Bellingham Carnegie Library, circa 1905
Belmont Public Library, 1913
Beloit Public Library, 1909
Ben Lomond Free Library, 1914
Benjamin E. Powell, circa 1960
Benjamin E. Powell (1), circa 1950
Benjamin E. Powell (2), 1946
Benjamin Franklin Library Reading Room, July 18, 1945
Bergen Offentlige Bibliotek, circa 1910
Berkeley Public Library, 1908
Berlin Public Library, circa 1905
Berlin Public Library (2), circa 1905
Bernard Finney, 1978
Bertha Baumer, circa 1940
Bessie Hahn, March 1995
Bessie L. Bullock, 1971
Betty Blackman, 1996
Betty Tsai, June 14, 2001
Bettye Black, 1978
Bia-Maranatha Exhibit, July 1999
Biblioteca Benjamin Franklin, January, 1944
Biblioteca Benjamin Franklin Dedication, May, 1942
Biblioteca Laurenziana, circa 1905
Biblioteca Palatina, 1908
Bill Gordon at Shinto Ceremony, June 14, 2001
Binghamton Public Library (2), circa 1905
Binghamton Public Library (3), circa 1905
Black Caucus, 1977
Blair Lent, June 26, 1973
Blair Lent and Priscilla Moulton, January 1, 1973
Blanche McCrum, 1941
Blum's Storefront, c. 1918
Board of Education for Librarianship Minutes, 1924-1944
Bob Williams, Dave Kaser, and Charles Seavey, March 1985
Bobbie Smith, December 1991
Book & Media Lists (Digital Born), 1996-2020
Book Campaign Display in a City Gas Co. Window, March 1919
Book Exhibit, March 1985
Book Exhibit (2), March 1985
Book Lovers, 1913
Book Sorting, circa 1918
Book Station in Lloyd Blowers Cafe, circa 1935
Book Week Publicity, circa 1940
Bookmobile at Taos County, circa 1940
Bookmobile Publications (Digital Surrogates), 1909, 1919-1929, 1963-1983
Books for Everybody Fund, circa 1918
Books for Everybody Fund (2), circa 1918
Books for Everybody Fund (3), circa 1918
Books For Everybody Fund (4), circa 1918
Books for Everybody Fund (5), circa 1918
Books for Everybody Fund (6), circa 1918
Books for Quantico, c. 1918
Books for You While at Sea, circa 1918
Books in a Hut, Is-sur-Tille, France, circa 1918
Books in a Hut, Is-sur-Tille, France, c. 1918
Books in the War, March 1920
Books Wanted, circa 1918
Books Wanted Poster, circa 1918
Books, Camp Funston, c. 1918
Born Digital Records and Digital Surrogates from the Audio and Video Recordings, 1998, 2013-2019, 1998, 2013-2019
Borrow the Brains, circa 1918
Boston Public Library, 1914
Boxes of ALA Books and Freight, circa 1918
Boy Reading Outside, circa 1940
Boys! You can get BOOKS in this camp, ca. 1918
Bozeman Free Library, 1909
Branch County Library Bookmobile, circa 1950
Branch of Anniston Public Library, circa 1950
Brantford Free Library, circa 1905
Brenda D. Sloan, circa 1980
Brian Pinkney, 1999
Brian Staples, 1985
British Group at Niagara, 1926
British Museum, 1908
Brooke E. Sheldon, circa 1980
Brooklyn Public Library, 1889
Brooklyn Public Library, 1911
Brooks Memorial Library, Circa 1913
Brownsville Children's Branch, circa 1915
Buck Hill Falls Library, circa 1905
Buenos Aires Tango - Carlon Walker, August 2004
Buenos Aires Tango - Judith Krug and Carlon Walker, August 2004
Burton E. Stevenson, ca. 1918
Burton E. Stevenson, c. 1918
Burton E. Stevenson (3), circa 1918
Bus to Lunch, 1898
Busy Library in Beaune, France, c. 1918
Butte Public Library, 1912