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Board of Education for Librarianship-Subject File (Digital Surrogates) | The American Library Association Archives

Board of Education for Librarianship-Subject File (Digital Surrogates)

Digital Surrogates from the Board of Education for Librarianship-Subject File contains correspondence, circular letters, handwritten notes, educational booklets, reports, bylaws, publications, studies and statements concerning education for librarianship history; librarianship education programs accredited by the American Council of Education and by ALA; correspondence courses in library subjects; library standards in teachers colleges and normal schools; library training for teachers; Assembly of Librarians of the Americas; library education degrees and curriculums; grants and donations to library schools; hospital libraries; special library services; library education in southern states; library education for black population in southern states (1939); ALA's Board of Education for Librarianship statements, functions, history, projects, scholarships and fellowships, and training courses; professional training for children's librarians; Princeton Conference on Library Education (1948); A.A.L.S. (Association of American Library Schools) standards; recruiting for librarianship; publicity and policies; as well as Post-war educational opportunities and post-war library personnel.

Organizations in this subject file include American Association of Teachers Colleges (AATC), American Association of Schools of Social Work, ALA's Board of Education for Librarianship, Association of American Library Schools, Association of American Universities, Carnegie Corporation, Canadian Library Council, and Special Libraries Association. Major correspondents include Anita Hostetter (Secretary of the Board of Education for Librarianship); Lucile Fargo (School of Library service at Columbia University), Luther H Evans (Librarian of Congress), and Kenneth R. Shaffer (Director, School of Library Science at Simmons College, and ALA librarian).

An access copy is available upon request.

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Contains 0.99 gigabytes of files, available primarily in PDF format.
The American Library Association Archives
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Please contact the University Archives to access these files, which are located in our Electronic Records Repository.

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