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Books and Pamphlets


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Finding Aid for Books and Pamphlets, 1977-83, 1987-94, 1996, 1999-2000, 2008, 2010 | The American Library Association Archives

By Cara Bertram

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Collection Overview

Title: Books and Pamphlets, 1977-83, 1987-94, 1996, 1999-2000, 2008, 2010Add to your cart.

ID: 55/2/12

Primary Creator: Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT)

Extent: 0.3 Cubic Feet

Arrangement: By materials and alphabetical thereunder

Date Acquired: 11/18/1992. More info below under Accruals.

Subjects: Library Instruction, Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT), Publications

Languages: English

Scope and Contents of the Materials

Books and pamphlets of the Library Instruction Round Table, including editorial files, includes announcements, news items, bibliographies, new publications lists, meeting summaries of interest to LIRT members, and Library Instruction Teaching Tips brochures.

Biographical Note

The Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT) was established in 1977 to meet the following objectives:

1.  To provide a forum for discussion in library use

2.  To contribute to the education and training of librarians for library instruction

3.  To promote instruction in the use of libraries as an essential library service, and

4.  To serve as a channel of communication on library instruction (1).

During 1977-78 LIRT established six committees: the Conference Planning Committee, Liaison Committee, Continuing Education Task Force, Planning Task Force, and the Newsletter Committee (2).

At the 1981 San Francisco Conference, a new program was designed and developed by the Conference Program Planning Committee to meet libraries' needs for bibliographic instruction at regional and state levels (3).  The Long-Range Planning Committee was formed to develop new ideas and programs, focusing on future activities and needs of library users (4).

In 1985, committees included: Affiliates (ad hoc), Affiliates Council, Conference Program Planning, Continuing Education, Elections/Nominating, Institute (ad hoc), Liaison, Long-Range Planning, Organization and By-laws, Public Relations/Membership, and Publications (5).


2-Publications (LIRT News)

Subject/Index Terms

Library Instruction
Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT)

Administrative Information

Repository: The American Library Association Archives

Accruals: 1/15/2020

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