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Section Correspondence


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Finding Aid for Section Correspondence, 1962-2008 | The American Library Association Archives

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Collection Overview

Title: Section Correspondence, 1962-2008Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

ID: 22/2/50

Primary Creator: Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL)

Extent: 25.0 Cubic Feet

Arrangement: Chronological and alphabetical thereunder

Subjects: African Studies, Africa Projects, Agricultural Libraries Section, American Association for The Advancement of Slavic Studies, Anthropology Section, Arts Section, Asian Studies, Bailey, George M., Bibliographic Instruction, Biology Libraries, Cataloging, College Libraries Section, Community and Junior College Libraries Section (ACRL), Education Libraries, Junior College Libraries, Law Libraries, Library of Congress Classification, Library of Congress Subject Headings, Lynch, Beverly P., Modern Language Association, Oberly (Eunice Rockwood) Memorial Award, Rare Books and Manuscripts Section (ACRL), Science and Technology Section (ACRL), Slavic Studies, Thomas, J. Donald, University Libraries, Urban Libraries, West European Language Specialists Discussion Group (ACRL), Women's Studies Section (ACRL)

Languages: English

Scope and Contents of the Materials

Section Correspondence of Executive Secretaries George M. Bailey (1963-68), J. Donald Thomas (1969-71), Beverly Lunch (1972-76), Julie Virgo (1977-84), and JoAn S. Segal (1984- ) with Agriculture-Biology, Anthropology and Sociology, Art, Asian and African, College Libraries, Education and Behavioral Sciences, Law and Political Science, Slavic and East European, Teachers' Education Libraries (1963-64), and University Libraries sections of ACRL, relating to the biennial Oberly Memorial Award for the best bibliography in agriculture, a project to index Art International, the affiliation of the Slavic and East European Section with the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (1968), the Slavic buildings project, academic status, and Urban College and University Library Survey of security measures (1970), University Library Institutes on undergraduate libraries (1971) and information networks (1973), and proposed revision of LC Classification and Subject Headings for Slavic materials (1974-78). The series includes files for the African-American Studies Section (1980- , also called Black Studies Librarianship), Anthropology and Sociology Section (1971- ), Arts Section (1974- ), Asian, African and Middle Eastern Section (1966- , called Asian and North African Section until 1980, and Asian and African Section until 1993), Community and Junior College Libraries Section (1962- , includes Junior College Section, 1962-1974), College Libraries Section (1968- ), Distance Learning Section (2001- ), Education and Behavioral Sciences Section (1974- ), Extended Campus Library Services Section, (1989- ), Instruction Section (1990- , includes Bibliographic Instruction Section, 1975-1990), Law and Political Science Section (1974- ), Literatures in English Section (1993- , called English and American Literature Section until 1994), Rare Books and Manuscripts Section (1975- ), Slavic and East European Section (1963- ), Science and Technology Section (1980- ), Western European Language Specialists Section (1974- ), University Libraries Section (1963- ), and Women's Studies Section (1985- ). This series includes sectional reports, memoranda, and minutes concerning bylaws and budgets, organization and projects of committees and publications.

Biographical Note

According to its 1980 statement of Responsibility, "The mission of the ACRL is to represent academic and research librarians and libraries. This includes all types of academic libraries-community and junior colleges, college and university-as well as comprehensive and specialized libraries and their professional staffs. ACRL also has as its mission the enhancement of library service, in the broadest sense, to the academic research communities" (1).

The Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) fulfills its mission through programs of identification and evaluation of book and nonbook materials, by issuing statements on library standards, and by concerning itself with the role, function, and status of the academic librarian (2).

The Association first met in 1889, under the title of the College and Reference Section of ALA (3). In June of 1938, the membership voted to change the name to the Association of College and Reference Libraries (4). Under this name, ACRL was accepted as a division by the ALA Council in May, 1940 (5). A 1942 revision of ACRL bylaws provided for the establishment of state, regional, and local chapters (6). The name was changed to the Association of College and Research Libraries in 1957 (7).

The organizational structure of ACRL was streamlined in 1979-80 to provide for a 13-member Board of Directors which includes the three officers )President, Past President, and Vice-President/President-Elect) and the Executive Director (8). ACRL publications include the bimonthly College and Research Libraries, the monthly College and Research Libraries News, the monthly book selection journal Choice, and occasional ACRL Publications in Librarianship. ACRL has sponsored national conferences and has presented the Academic/Research Librarian of the Year award annually since 1978 (10).

Subject/Index Terms

African Studies
Africa Projects
Agricultural Libraries Section
American Association for The Advancement of Slavic Studies
Anthropology Section
Arts Section
Asian Studies
Bailey, George M.
Bibliographic Instruction
Biology Libraries
College Libraries Section
Community and Junior College Libraries Section (ACRL)
Education Libraries
Junior College Libraries
Law Libraries
Library of Congress Classification
Library of Congress Subject Headings
Lynch, Beverly P.
Modern Language Association
Oberly (Eunice Rockwood) Memorial Award
Rare Books and Manuscripts Section (ACRL)
Science and Technology Section (ACRL)
Slavic Studies
Thomas, J. Donald
University Libraries
Urban Libraries
West European Language Specialists Discussion Group (ACRL)
Women's Studies Section (ACRL)

Administrative Information

Repository: The American Library Association Archives

Accruals: (see IWS); 9/4/2003, 9/17/2007;9/2/2008; 8/22/2012; 8/22/2013; 10/25/2014

Other Note: Box 26 is approximately 3/4 full.

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