Title: Library Networks, Cooperatives, and Consortia File, 1985-2007

Administrative History
The Office for Research concentrates on the research needs of the library profession, cooperates with other units of the ALA and works with bodies active in library research (1). It is charged to carry out three functions: 1) to collect, analyze and interpret data on the ALA and users of its products and services as a basis for organizational decision-making; 2) to collect and promote the collection of statistics on libraries and librarians so that the ALA and other organizations have pertinent and consistent data available to them; and 3) to monitor ongoing research related to libraries and disseminate information about such studies to the profession (2). In doing so the Office for Research provides advice regarding research and statistics to the Executive Board, Council, and other units of the ALA requesting such advice (3). The Office's first director was appointed in 1978, and since that time the Office for Research has developed research programs and monitored existing research activities (4). When assisting units of ALA, the Office prepares proposals, gathers statistical data, and implements survey projects. The ALA Committee on Research advises the Office for Research on matters of policy and priorities, and presents recommendations on research programs (5). The Office for Research is under the Deputy Executive Director (6).
5-Library Research Clearinghouse
1. ALA Handbook of Organization 1982-83 and Membership Directory, (Chicago: ALA, 1982) p. 160.
2. ALA Handbook of Organization 1989-90 (Chicago: ALA, 1989) p. 185.
3. Ibid.
4. ALA Yearbook: A Review of Library Events, 1978 (Chicago: ALA, 1978) pp. 274-75; ALA Yearbook: A Review of Library Events, 1980 (Chicago: ALA, 1980) pp.255, 260.
5. ALA Handbook 1982-83, p. 160.
6. ALA Handbook 1989-90, p. 184.