Southeast Chapter File, 1996, 1999-2015
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Brief Description:

Southeast Chapter File of the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) contains chapter publications, including newsletter Artifacts (2000-15), chapter bylaws, history, summary of records, and meeting minutes (1996, 2002); physical records include a conference invitation and schedule (1987).

Note: Additional annual and mid-year reports may be stored in the ARLIS/NA Secretary's Files, RS 85/50/20.  Contact the ARLIS/NA Archives at for more information.

Held at:
Art Libraries Society of North America
Record Series Number: 85/57/5
Created by: Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA)
Volume: 0.1 Cubic Feet
Acquired: 07/27/2016. 10/7/2016; 05/31/2022; 2024
Arrangement: Chronological
Subject Index
Art Libraries