Video and Audio Recordings, 2001-2002
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Brief Description: Video and audio recordings, including video cassette "Loss and Recovery: Librarians Bear Witness to September 11, 2001" (VHS), a compilation of interviews with librarians who worked at or near WTC and witnessed the events of September 11, 2001; video and audio cassettes of original interviews, some of which were used in the film; also includes transcripts of the same interviews.
Held at:
The American Library Association Archives
19 Library
1408 W. Gregory Drive
Urbana, IL 61802
Phone: 217 333 0798
Fax: 217 244 2868
Email: ala-archives [at]
Record Series Number: 13/6/14
Created by: American Libraries, Publishing Services
Volume: 3.0 Cubic Feet
Acquired: 9/9/2002
More information is available at
Arrangement: By recording media
Biographical Note for American Libraries : American Libraries is the flagship magazine of the American Library Association since 1970, replacing the ALA Bulletin.  As the official magazine of the ALA, its responsibility is to convey to the membership and other readers full and accurate information about the activities, purposes, and goals of the Association.  It also reports on news about all matters of importance to libraries and librarians, and provides an opportunity for the expression of diverse views by ALA members.[1]
Access Restrictions: Due to the technical requirements to access audiovisual materials, advance notice of 2 to 3 weeks is required to access audiovisual items onsite. Please contact the Archives for further information.
Subject Index
New York, New York
New York-College and Univesity Libraries
New York-Institutional Libraries
New York-Public Libraries
September 11 Terrorist Attacks, 2001
Languages of Materials
English [eng]