Title: Ellen Gay Detlefsen Papers, 1970-1980

Arranged alphabetically by subject title and chronologically by date thereunder
Biographical Note
Ellen Gay Detlefsen earned her MS in Library Service (1969), MA in American History (1973), DLS in Library Science (1975) and MPhil in American History (1978) from Columbia University. She served as a librarian at the Museum of Modern Art in New York from 1969 to 1971, and at the Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic in Pittsburgh from 1974 to 1975. Since 1975, she has been a faculty member at the University of Pittsburgh, teaching in the School of Information Sciences, Women Studies, and the School of Medicine. Detlefsen became an associate professor in 1978 and the Lead Faculty Member for Medical Librarianship/Medical Informatics Specialization in 1990.
A scholar in health librarianship, Detlefsen authored numerous papers. She has also served on the editorial board of various journals, including the Journal of the Medical Library Association, Medical Library Association News, Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet, and Journal of Electronic Resources in Medical Libraries. She was involved in the Medical Library Association and held the position of Chief of the Information Dissemination Unit at the NIMH from 2002 to 2010.
Ellen Gay Detlefsen. Curriculum Vitae. [i]School of Information Science, University of Pittsburgh[/i]. Retrieved January 22, 2024, from https://sites.pitt.edu/~ellen/cv-detlefsen.pdf