Subject Files, 1978-2012
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Brief Description: The subject files of the director's office includes awards, budgets, contracts, correspondence, minutes, manuscripts, photographs, proposals, reports, committee rosters, treasurer's reports, member statistics, articles on research, draft proposals, and surveys relating to comparative system, data collection, and revenue projects (1982-1991); Action Inventory (1987-1991); online search services in public libraries (1980-1982); strategic long-range planning (1979-1980); the Standards Committee (1985-1989); (1992-1997); Fyan, Baber and Ingenta award winners (1983-2009); the Public Library Funding & Technology Access Study (PLFTAS) (2008-2012); the Assessment Household Survey (2009); the Attitudes Toward Public Libraries Survey (2006); the Librarians, Library Technicians and Assistants: Diversity Profile 2000 and 1990 (2006); the Library Usage Omnibus Survey (2007-2012); Membership Research Study (2008); the Purchasing Materials After Using in PL Survey (2007); the Social Media & Mobile Internet Use Among teens and Young Adults Survey (2009); Study of Communications Technologies in Higher Education Final Report (1995); Postsecondary Education Descriptive Analysis Report (2008), and the YALSA PL and School Library Use and Services for Teen Read Week Evaluation (2007).
Held at:
The American Library Association Archives
19 Library
1408 W. Gregory Drive
Urbana, IL 61802
Phone: 217 333 0798
Fax: 217 244 2868
Email: ala-archives [at]
Record Series Number: 14/2/6
Created by: Office for Research and Statistics
Volume: 6.3 Cubic Feet
Acquired: 11/29/94, 10/4/01; 5/13/11; 3/14/2012; 3/21/12
More information is available at
Arrangement: Alphabetical and chronological thereunder
Biographical Note for Office for Research and Statistics :

The Office for Research concentrates on the research needs of the library profession, cooperates with other units of the ALA and works with bodies active in library research (1).  It is charged to carry out three functions: 1) to collect, analyze and interpret data on the ALA and users of its products and services as a basis for organizational decision-making; 2) to collect and promote the collection of statistics on libraries and librarians so that the ALA and other organizations have pertinent and consistent data available to them; and 3) to monitor ongoing research related to libraries and disseminate information about such studies to the profession (2).  In doing so the Office for Research provides advice regarding research and statistics to the Executive Board, Council, and other units of the ALA requesting such advice (3).  The Office's first director was appointed in 1978, and since that time the Office for Research has developed research programs and monitored existing research activities (4).  When assisting units of ALA, the Office prepares proposals, gathers statistical data, and implements survey projects.  The ALA Committee on Research advises the Office for Research on matters of policy and priorities, and presents recommendations on research programs (5).  The Office for Research is under the Deputy Executive Director (6).




5-Library Research Clearinghouse

Subject Index
Library Technology
Online Bibliographic Searching
Research, Office for
Standards Committee
Languages of Materials
English [eng]