Title: Preservation Section Publications, 1979-1993

Arranged chronologically by publication date
Administrative History
The object of the Preservation of Library Materials Section (PLMS) is to advance the field of library preservation by exercising leadership in the establishment of sound preservation practices; advising and assisting the library profession in developing solutions to preservation problems; initiating cooperation among concerned individuals, institutions, and industries; promoting research in both administrative and technical aspects of the field; fostering the development of standards and specifications for materials, equipments, and techniques; promoting the education of practitioners, the library community, and the public at large; encouraging the establishment of local preservation programs; stimulating publication and dissemination of information; and advocating needs to the government and funding agencies (1).
PLMS evolved out of the Preservation of Library Materials Committee (PLM) around 1980 (2). Prior to 1970 PLM was called the Bookbinding Committee (3).
The Preservation of Library Materials Section evolved out of the bookbinding committee on January 23, 1970, and in 1995 merged with the Reproduction of Library Materials Section to became part of the Preservation and Reformatting Section (PARS).
Executive Committee
Conference Programs
Disaster Preparedness Preconference Planning
Library/Binders Relations
Library Binding Regional Institute (ad hoc)
Nominating Committee
Physical Quality of Library Materials
Policy and Research
Library Binding Discussion Group
Preservation Administrators
Preservation of Library Materials
1. ALA Handbook of Organization 1987/88, p. 145.
2. Ibid., 1980/1981, p. 114.
3. ALA Bulletin, November 1969.