Title: Serials Section Publications, 1950-1956, 1974-1997

Arranged chronologically by date
Administrative History
The object of the Serials Section (SS) is to contribute to library service and librarianship through the distribution of information concerning serials literature by reports and free discussion at general meetings and through publication; to encourage specialized training for librarians in the field of serials; and to coordinate the activities within the Resources and Technical Services Division and within the American Library Association with respect to serials (1).
Executive Committee
Conference Program
Feasibility of Creating Dynamic Lists of Core Serials, To Study (ad hoc)
Policy and Research
Regional Workshops
Serials Cataloging, to Study
Serials Records, to Study
Serials Section Bowker/Ulrich's Serials Librarianship Award
Union Lists of Serials
Worst Serial Title Change of Year
Research Libraries Discussion Group
1. ALA Handbook of Organization 1987/88, p. 152.