Title: Patricia W. Berger Papers, 1988-1992

Alphabetical and chronological thereunder
Biographical Note
Over the course of her career, Patricia W. Berger held various management positions at the National Bureau of Standards (the National Institute of Standards and Technology since 1988), US Patent and Trademark Office, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Institute of Defense Analysis. She served as president of ALA from 1989 to 1990 [1], during which she appointed a President's Committee on Preservation Policy to draft policies for the preservation of library materials [2]. In addition, Berger was president of the Federal Librarians Round Table 1989 to 1990 and received its Achievement Award in 1985. She served on ALA's Executive Board and ALA Council [1]. She was elected to the board of the Freedom to Read Foundation in 1992 [3]. Berger also was active in other professional associations. She was president of the Washington, D.C. chapter of the Special Libraries Association (SLA), a fellow of SLA, chair and member of the Virginia State Library Board, and a member of the District of Columbia Library Association. She received the District of Columbia Library Association's President's Award in 2001 and Catholic University of America's Distinguished Alumna Award. Additionally, Berger was a member of the Cosmos Club in Washington D.C., a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and a fellow of the National Information Standards Organization. She died on March 27, 2011 [1].
1. Keith Michael Fiels, "Memorial Resolution for Patricia Wilson Berger," American Library Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, June 28, 2011. http://www.ala.org/aboutala/sites/ala.org.aboutala/files/content/governance/council/council_documents/2011_annual_docus/memorial_6_patricia_.pdf.
2. "ALA Preservation Policy." Association for Library Collections & Technical Services, approved 2001, http://www.ala.org/alcts/resources/preserv/01alaprespolicy.
3. "Patricia W. Berger." American Libraries, May 2011., 77, Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed June 13, 2016).