Brief Description: Files of the postal rate hike litigation contains documents files in an action by the Magazine Publishers of America vs. U.S. Post Office Department by the parties and intervenors includes the American Library Association, pre-hearing statements of users of the U.S. Postal Service, legal briefs, interrogatories, testimony, memoranda, cross-examination, motions and judgements relating to a postal rate increase case heard by the Postal Rate Commission, and surveys designed to show the impact of increased library rate postage.
Held at:
The American Library Association Archives
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1408 W. Gregory Drive
Urbana, IL 61802
Phone: 217 333 0798
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Email: ala-archives [at]
Record Series Number: 17/2/6
Created by: Washington Office
Volume: 5.6 Cubic Feet
Arrangement: Arranged alphabetically by name of litigant or intervenor
Biographical Note for Washington Office :
In 1945 the ALA announced the establishment of the Washington office (1). It began operation on October 1, 1945 (2). It was to be supported by the Library Development Fund which was planned to cover a five year period, but which was discontinued after one year (3).
The function of the Washington office is to maintain a representative of libraries who monitors federal government activities and regulations, makes official comments on proposed regulations and supports legislation benefiting libraries and library service (4) through press, radio, and personal contacts, in cooperation with state and local library agencies (5). The Washington Office reported regularly in the ALA Bulletin (1945-69). Its publications include the ALA Washington Newsletter and a biannual Legislative Report of the ALA Washington Office (1979- ).
The Associate Executive Director of the Washington Office is responsible to the ALA Executive Director (7).
Subject Index
Magazine Publishers of America
Postal Rate Commission Hearings
Washington Office
Languages of Materials
English [eng]