Minutes, 1950-2006 | The American Library Association Archives
Series Number: 20/1/1
4/26; [see IWS]; 9/5/06
Volume: 13.0 Cubic Feet

Locations for this record series:
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- Archives Research Center, 1707 S. Orchard St.

Detailed Description
Box 1: Bylaws -- AASL Special Board Meeting ..., 1966-71
Box 2: AASL Board, Midwinter ... -- AASL Executive Committee, Fall ..., 1972-80
Box 3: AASL Board, Midwinter ... -- AASL Executive Committee, Fall ..., 1981-86
Box 4: AASL Board, Midwinter ... -- AASL Executive Committee, Spring ..., 1987-89
Box 5: AASL Board, Annual ... -- AASL Board, Annual ..., 1989-91
Box 6: AASL Executive Committee, Fall ... -- AASL Executive Committee, Fall ..., 1991-93
Box 7: AASL Board, Midwinter ... -- AASL Board, Annual ---, 1994-95
Box 8: AASL Executive Committee, Fall --- AASL Executive Committee, Fall ..., 1995-97
Box 9: AASL Board, Infrastucture Elements and Trends-ALA Annual Program, -1999
Box 10: ALA Handbook of Organization, 1999 - Board Orientation Handbook, 2000, 1999-2000
Box 11: Brochures, Pamphelts, Memos, Correspondence, 2000 - AASL Board of Directors 2002 ALA ALA Annual Conference, 2002, 2000 - 2002
Box 12: AASL Board of Directors 2002 ALA Annual Conference including minutes (2 of 2) - Committee Chair Handbook 2003-04 (originals), 2003, 2002 - 2003
Box 13: Fall Executive Committee Meeting, 2003 - Strategic Program and Plan, 2005, 2003 - 2005
Box 14: AASL Board of Directors Midwinter & Annual Conference Meetings, 2004-2005
Box 15: AASL Board of Directors Midwinter & Annual Conference Meetings, Strategic Plan, 2005-2006
Box 1: Bylaws -- AASL Special Board Meeting ..., 1966-71
Box 2: AASL Board, Midwinter ... -- AASL Executive Committee, Fall ..., 1972-80
Box 3: AASL Board, Midwinter ... -- AASL Executive Committee, Fall ..., 1981-86
Box 4: AASL Board, Midwinter ... -- AASL Executive Committee, Spring ..., 1987-89
Box 5: AASL Board, Annual ... -- AASL Board, Annual ..., 1989-91
Box 6: AASL Executive Committee, Fall ... -- AASL Executive Committee, Fall ..., 1991-93
Box 7: AASL Board, Midwinter ... -- AASL Board, Annual ---, 1994-95
Box 8: AASL Executive Committee, Fall --- AASL Executive Committee, Fall ..., 1995-97
Box 9: AASL Board, Infrastucture Elements and Trends-ALA Annual Program, -1999
Box 10: ALA Handbook of Organization, 1999 - Board Orientation Handbook, 2000, 1999-2000
Box 11: Brochures, Pamphelts, Memos, Correspondence, 2000 - AASL Board of Directors 2002 ALA ALA Annual Conference, 2002, 2000 - 2002
Box 12: AASL Board of Directors 2002 ALA Annual Conference including minutes (2 of 2) - Committee Chair Handbook 2003-04 (originals), 2003, 2002 - 2003
Box 13: Fall Executive Committee Meeting, 2003 - Strategic Program and Plan, 2005, 2003 - 2005
Box 14: AASL Board of Directors Midwinter & Annual Conference Meetings, 2004-2005
Box 15: AASL Board of Directors Midwinter & Annual Conference Meetings, Strategic Plan, 2005-2006