Brief Description: Subject file on the Personnel Administration Section and its predecessors, the Board on Personnel Administration (1944-56), Board on Salaries, Staff and Tenure (1937-44) and the Office of Personnel Administration (1945-55) contains correspondence, minutes, reports (1933-51), budgets and statements of expenditures (1934-55), publications BPA Notes (1954-56) and Newsletters (1957) and surveys relating to staff activities, division operations, annual conferences (1955-57), buildings and equipment (1959), civil service procedures (1937-43, 1954-56), classification and pay plans (1924-56), clinics and institutes (1939, 1947-59), committees and subcommittees on budgets, compensation and schemes of service (1939-52), civil service (1941-46, 1952), classification and pay plans (1938-40, 1943, 1946-47, 1949-56), code of ethics (1937-38, 1953-59), placement services (1952-56), post-war planning (1943-44), salaries (1932); cost of living (1952-53), examinations, group insurance, handbooks and manuals (1950-56), hours of work, in-service training, leaves of absence, recruitment, retirement, salary schedules and pay plans (1952-55), salary standards (1952-55), Staff Organization Round Table (1952-57), statistics (1939-41, 1946, 1952, 1954-56), tenure (1939- 56), turnover and work week, includes files of the ALA Committee on Salaries, Employment and Schemes of Library Service (1930-37).
Held at:
The American Library Association Archives
19 Library
1408 W. Gregory Drive
Urbana, IL 61802
Phone: 217 333 0798
Fax: 217 244 2868
Email: ala-archives [at]
Record Series Number: 27/13/6
Created by: Personnel Administrative Section, Library Leadership and Management Association (LLAMA)
Volume: 12.0 Cubic Feet
04/26/1974. 1/18/1981, 2/7/2018
Arrangement: Arranged chronologically by accession and by subject title thereunder
Biographical Note for Personnel Administrative Section :
The Executive Board of the ALA created the Board on Personnel Administration on July 17, 1936 (1). In June 1937, Council changed its name to the Board on Salaries, Staff and Tenure. In October, 1940, Council changed its name to the Board on Personnel Administration. This section is responsible for general personnel administration in all types of libraries. Illustrative of the fields of interest are the recruitment and promotion of able people to positions of all levels of library service, certification of librarians, fair employment practices, equal employment opportunities, classification and pay plans, inservice training of all professional and non-professional workers, principles of tenure and intellectual freedom, personnel administration, relations between libraries and pertinent municipal and educational agencies, staff management, ethics, personnel measurement, and guidance, and staff welfare programs (2).
Executive Committee
Economic Status, Welfare, and Fringe Benefits
Staff Development
Subject Index
Buildings, Library
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Civil Service
Classification and Pay Plans
Conference Within A Conference
Equipment, Library
Ethics, Code of
Fellowships and Scholarships, Committee On
Personnel Administration, Board On
Personnel Administration, Office of
Personnel Administration Board Newsletters
Personnel Administration Board Notes
Professional Development and Status
Salaries, Staff and Tenure Board
Staff Organizations Round Table
Timmermann, Hazel B.
Languages of Materials
English [eng]