Title: The Parents' Bookshelf, 1929-1938

Arranged chronologically by date
Administrative History
The Adult Lifelong Learning Section (ALLS) was established in 1976 as the Alternative Education Programs Section (AEPS) (1).
The object of te AEPS section was "to promote public library programs and services relating to literacy, adult basic education, continuing education, independent and other learning modes; to stimulate continued professional growth in these special areas; to provide a broad forum for the exchange of current research, strategies, techniques, and activities; and to create an environment role of the library in learning services" (2).
In 1989 the section changed its name to the Adult Lifelong Learning Section. Retaining basically the same goals and ideals, the ALLS added a clause to its purpose reflecting the change in title, which stated that the section also existed "to advocate the use of library based self-directed study as well as more traditional learning modes " (3).
Committees of the section include: Advancement of Literacy Award, Basic Education and Literacy Services, Continuing and Independent Learning Services, Job and Career Information Services, Membership, Organization and Bylaws, Parent Education Services, Publications, Publishers Liaison, and a Literacy Discussion Group (4).
1. ALA Handbook of Organization 1976-77 (Chicago: ALA, 1976), p. 47.
2. ALA Handbook of Organization 1989-90 (Chicago: ALA, 1977), p. 51.
3. ALA Handbook of Organization 1989-90 (Chicago: ALA, 1989), p. 133.
4. ALA Handbook of Organization 1990-91 (Chicago: ALA, 1990), p. 140-142.