Title: Mary E. Graham Papers, 1987-1989, 1996-2002
ID: 85/50/62
Primary Creator: Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA)
Extent: 1.3 Cubic Feet. More info below.
Arrangement: Chronological and alphabetical thereunder
Date Acquired: 08/02/2018. More info below under Accruals.
Subjects: ALA Annual Conference, Art Libraries, Photographs, President
Papers of Mary E. Graham (ARLIS/NA President 1998/99) contain correspondence. photographs, and official documents of ARLIS/NA compiled during her presidential tenure and related to the request for proposals for a new management company for ARLIS/NA; series also includes materials from her time as co-chair of the 1989 ARLIS/NA Annual Conference in Phoenix, AZ, and as president in planning the 1999 ARLIS/NA Annual Conference in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Repository: Art Libraries Society of North America
Alternate Extent Statement: 2.27 megabytes
Access Restrictions: Three folders (OMG/RFP, 1998; OMG, 1998-99; and Management Service Provider Evaluation Correspondence, 1999) have been determined to be of a confidential or sensitive nature and have been marked "Restricted" on the folders and the finding aid. As of 2019, access to these folders is available subject to Archivist's review.
Acquisition Source: Mary Graham
URL: https://files.archon.library.illinois.edu/alasfa/8550062a.pdf
PDF finding aid for Mary E. Graham Papers (85/50/62)