Title: Hardy R. Franklin Papers, 1992-94
ID: 2/1/38
Primary Creator: Franklin, Hardy R. (1929-2004)
Extent: 0.3 Cubic Feet
Arrangement: By type of material and alphabeticaly thereunder
Subjects: ALA Annual Conference, ALA Midwinter Meeting, President, ALA, Public Services, Young Adult Services
Languages: English
Papers of Hardy R. Franklin, President (1993-94), includes correspondence, articles, speeches and reports concerning biographical information, inaugural events, youth services, annual and midwinter conferences, and presidential committees. Documents particularly reflect the theme of Franklin's presidency: "Customer Service: The Heart of the Library."
Series is missing.
Repository: The American Library Association Archives
Access Restrictions: None: Open for public research
Other Note: 1 Pages
URL: https://files.archon.library.illinois.edu/alasfa/0201038a.pdf
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