Title: Meeting Minutes, 1983-1993

Arranged chronologically by event date
Administrative History
The Final Report of the Activities Committee on New Directions for ALA and Subcommittee Reports (better known as the ACONDA report) which was accepted by the Membership and Council in 1970 established "manpower" as one of the Association's priorities. It recommended that ALA's existing staff activities relating to personal welfare, library education and training, and recruiting be combined into a new "Office of Library Manpower," "Personnel Resources" was subsequently substituted for the term "manpower" when the new office was finally established in 1973. Activities formerly carried out by the Office for Recruitment and the Library Administration Division Personnel Specialist position, as well as a special minority recruitment project were moved into OLPR at that time (1).
The Office for Library Personnel Resources (OLPR) combines ALA staff activities in library education, recruitment, and staff welfare to assist librarians and libraries in areas concerned with the rights, interests, and obligations of library personnel. The office serves as a major component within ALA that concerns itself with librarianship as a profession; with the individual's career goals; and with the provision within library schools and libraries of policies and practices that enable staff to develop professionally (2).
The OLPR Advisory Committee advises OLPR on activities, problems, and procedures related to library concerns in recruitment, utilization, education and training, and staff welfare. The committee identifies special areas of need or emphasis, suggests activities and programs and stimulates programs and projects related to library planning, development, and concerns. The committee aids other agencies, groups, and organizations within and beyond the library profession. In 1976, the Advisory Committee was increased from 5 to 9 members, to broaden the types of representation.
The name of the office was changed to the Office for Human Resource Development and Recruitment (HRDR) on June 30, 1999, with corresponding changes in committee functions.
1. OLPR Program Review, 1980.
2. ALA Handbook of Organization, 1984.