Subject files of Preservation of Library Materials Section, contains agendas, annual reports, minutes, and correspondence, includes bookbinding standards, preservation of library materials, a paper quality statement (1976-77), and correspondence with committee chairs Stephen Ford (1965-68), Frazer G. Poole (1968-70), Paul D. Berrisford (1970-74), Robert D. Stuart (1974-75), Pamela W. Darling (1975-77), Jan Merrill-Oldham (1987-88), Sherry Byrne (1988), Connie Brooks (1989-90), Margaret S. Child (1990-91), Lisa Fox (1991-92), Lorraine Olley (1992-93), Dudley A. Weiss, Executive Director of the Library Binding Institute, and Paul N. Banks, Conservator at the Newberry Library and a consultant to the committee.
Note: the Preservation of Library Materials Section evolved out of the bookbinding committee on January 23, 1970, and in 1995 merged with the Reproduction of Library Materials Section to become part of the Preservation and Reformatting Section (PARS).