Title: Minutes and Reports, 1956-1980, 1985-1991

Arranged chronologically by date
Administrative History
In 1969 the ALA had a committee called the Program Evaluation and Budget Committee. At its 29 January 1969 meeting, John Sheridan pointed out that such a committee served two quite distinct functions, one budgetary, the other advisory, and suggested that the two functions be delegated to two separate committees, the second to be called the Advisory Committee on Program Evaluation and Support. At this meeting it was voted on "That the Program Evaluation and Budget Committee (PEBCO) be discontinued and the new Advisory Committee on Program Evaluation and Support be established, and that a new Budget Assembly be established....? (1).
At the annual ALA Convention, Alex Ladenson proposed an "amendment to Article IX, Section 1(b) of the Bylaws"- namely, the implementation of a "Committee on Program Evaluation ane Support (COPES) consisting of four members appointed by the President of the Associaton with the approval of the Executive Board on a staggered basis." Each member would be appointed for only one non renewable four-year term. The president of the committee would be designated annually by the President, and the Treasurer of the Association would be a voting, ex officio member of COPES (2).
The aim of the committee was to "evaluate the programs of the Association and submit a recommended budget to the Executive Board for action? (3). The motion was carried, and on 24 June 1969 COPES was established.
The committee has six members, appointed by the Council Committee on Committees (4).
1-Budget Assembly
20-Dues Schedule, Subcommittee on
1. ALA Council, Minutes, 1969 Midwinter Meeting, Washington, D.C., 29 January 1969, p. 7-8.
2. ALA Council, Proceedings, June 24 and 27, 1969.Ã? Atlantic City, New Jersey, pp. 73-74.
3. Ibid., pp. 73-74.
4. ALA Handbook of Organization, 1984/1985, Bylaws, Article VIII, Section 2, p. 201; see also ALA Council, Minutes, 1969 Midwinter Meeting, Washington, D.C., Exhibit 7, ALA Committee on Organization, Report to Council, p. 7 for the official proposal.