Fraser Valley Union Library Bookmobile | The American Library Association Archives
Photograph of children at the Fraser Valley Union bookmobile in British Columbia.
Caption reads: "One of the most progressive travelling libraries is operated in south B.C. by the Fraser Valley Union Library. Serving a population of more than 50,000 people, including 60 schools, it has nearly 15,000 registered borrowers from its stock of 40,000 books, and is financed by a 35 cent per capita assessment on the communities served. The truck, shown here, holds about 1,200 books, inside and out, on shelves, operates from the library headquarters at Abbotsford, B.C., carries a driver and professional librarian, has eight day-long routes. As shown here, school children all over the valley flock to the truck as it draws up in their communities, some of them just browsing, others so eager for books they don't wait to get home but begin reading as they sit on the truck's running board."
Found in record series 18/1/57, Box 5, Folder: Bookmobile - Outside Shelving, 1939-1976
Original: 8x10 inches