Title: Conference Proceedings, 1933

Administrative History
The Association for Library Service to Children is responsible for the evaluation and selection of books and non-book library materials for the improvement of techniques of library service to children from preschool through eighth grade or junior high school age.
The Section for Library Work with Children was established in 1901 (1). On June 21, 1941, it merged with the Young People's Reading Round Table and the School Libraries Section to form the Division of Libraries for Children and Young People (2). In 1944 a part of its public library section became the Children's Library Association (3). It reached divisional status on January 1, 1957 (4) but retained the name Children's Library Association until January 28, 1958, when it became the Children's Library Services Division (5).
The Children's Library Services Division (CSD) is interested in the improvement and extension of library services to children in all types of libraries. CSD is responsible for the evaluation and selection of book and non-book library materials and the improvement of techniques of library services for children from preschool through the eighth grade or junior high school age, when such materials of techniques are intended for use in more than one type of library (6).
In 1977 CSD changed its name to Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) (7).
1. ALA Bulletin, December 1956, p. 703.
2. Ibid., October, 1941, p. 574.
3. Ibid., December, 1944, p. 500.
4. Ibid., December, 1957, p. 854.
5. Ibid., December, 1958, p. 850.
6. Ibid., November, 1964, p. 912.
7. American Libraries, July/August, 1977, p. 386.