Personnel Administration Publications, 1948-53, 1956, 1958, 1965-73, 1977-81, 1983-84, 1988, 1990-93 | The American Library Association Archives
Title: Personnel Administration Publications, 1948-53, 1956, 1958, 1965-73, 1977-81, 1983-84, 1988, 1990-93
Series Number: 27/13/14
01/07/1980. 11/14/1986, 4/1/1989, 5/14/1999, 2/7/2018; 5/8/2023
Volume: 0.6 Cubic Feet
Subjects (links to similar materials)
Locations for this record series:
- Archives Research Center, 1707 S. Orchard St.